The simplest method to prepare nutritious meals for you and your family is to use a weekly meal plan. When it comes to figuring out what to cook for dinner every weekday, having a weekly meal plan will save you time, money, and frustration.
This week’s meal plan contains some of my favorite protein-rich recipes and is perfect on weeks when you feel like you need that extra boost of protein.
You’d be surprised by how easy it is to find high-protein vegetarian dishes. These tasty meatless recipes will provide your body with a burst of plant-based protein.
These meals are filled with the best kinds of protein found in beans, quinoa, and couscous, along with high-protein veggies such as chickpeas and mushrooms.
As always, I’ve included printable shopping lists with all ingredients you will need for all the meals for your convenience. Download your grocery list here and have a great week!