GSRTC Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Bus Timetable Timings Schedule Online

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has updated the latest schedule for Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Bus Timetable and Timings for passenger convenience. You can book tickets online and know the official fare / seat availability and further details here. Timetable is available for Express, Gurjarnagri and Sleeper bus service from Ahmedabad Central (Gitamandir) Bus stand. City bus service from GSRTC is available every 30 minutes via S.G.Highway route. The distance between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar is approximately 50 KM and it takes roughly around 2 hours for buses to reach the destination.

We have mentioned all scheduled buses availability subjected to traffic conditions in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar city. These buses roughly takes 1 hour 10 minutes to reach Gandhinagar central stand.

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Generally during evening time the rush is more becomes local traffic also take these buses to travel up to Gandhinagar for daily commute reasons. Therefore, in certain cases the travelling time can increase as S.G.Highway becomes full of traffic around Sola and Vaishnodevi Circles.

If you are a daily commuters, please consider the option of GSRTC Monthly Pass system for better discounted travelling and offers on tickets. This will reduce the daily need to take tickets for travelling and you can get hassle free experience in moving from place to place.

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GSRTC Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Route Stoppages and Travel

The following are the list of stations where most of the buses halt on this route. Generally Express Buses have preference over Gurjarnagri Buses simply for their speedy travel from Ahmedabad.

Below is the list of stations for halt:

Also there are no pit stops in between for the buses since the distance is short and travelling becomes much faster when taken a direct connecting bus to Gandhinagar.

GSRTC Ahmedabad – Gandhinagar Bus Timetable, Schedule and Timings Updated

In this section, we have discussed the latest timetable and route of buses for Express, Gurjarnagri and City bus local services offered by AMTS for convenience of passengers. For Ticketing purposes, you can always consider upgrading to discounted tickets using Monthly pass scheme for GSRTC passengers and students programme.

Please keep in mind that these buses can have 5-10 min travelling time difference and please consider reaching Gitamandir Station or S.G.Highway Boarding point atleast 10 min earlier to avoid missing buses and reaching on time.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the services offered by Gujarat State Transport for passenger facility at each central point:

Express Bus Service Timetable

These are the local day running buses travelling on regular frequency basis. It is very convenient and one can easily travel in these buses and reach Gandhinagar Sector quickly without having to wait for other buses.

Below are the list of buses:

1. Surat Central Bus Stand – Palanpur ST Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Bus Stand Departure Time: 01:15 am and arriving Gandhinagar Central: 02:15 am)

2. Surat Central Bus Stand – Mansa ST Bus Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure Time: 02:00 am arriving Gandhinagar ST Stand: 03:05 am)

3. Songadh ST Stand – Gandhinagar Central Express Bus (Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Bus Stand Departure Time: 03:05 am and arriving Gandhinagar Central: 04:10 am)

4. Surat Central ST Stand – Vijapur Bus Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Gitamandir Departure Time: 03:30 am arriving Gandhinagar Central: 04:30 am)

5. Kodinar ST Bus Stand – Gandhinagar Central Express Bus (Ahmedabad Gitamandir Departure Time: 06:30 am arriving Gandhinagar ST Stand: 07:40 am)

6. Keshod ST Bus Stand – Gandhinagar Central CBS Express Bus (Ahmedabad CBS Departure Time: 06:45 am arriving Gandhinagar Central: 07:55 am)

7. Ahmedabad Central – Vijapur ST Bus Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Gitamandir Departure Time: 07:45 am arriving Gandhinagar Central CBS: 09:00 am)

8. Dakor ST Stand – Ambaji Bus Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure Time: 09:00 am arriving Gandhinagar ST Stand: 10:15 am)

9. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Kheralu / Vijapur ST Stand (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 09:20, 09:35 arriving Gandhinagar ST Stand: 10:30, 10:45 am)

10. Baroda Central CBS – Mehsana ST Bus Stand Express Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 12:00 PM and arrives Gandhinagar ST Stand: 13:30 PM)

Gurjarnagri Bus Service Timetable

These are generally long distance buses running till Gandhinagar on this route. Those buses which are actually travelling from different districts are considered in Gurjarnagri Buses and generally their availability depends upon the number of passengers travelling.

Below are the list of buses:

1. Nashik ST Bus Stand – Patan ST Bus Stand Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 06:00 am arriving Gandhinagar Central CBS: 07:00 am)

2. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Mount Abu / Nathdwara ST Bus Stand (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 06:45 am, 07:00 am arriving Gandhinagar Central CBS: 07:45 am, 08:10 am)

3. Chhota Udaipur / Dahod Bus Stand – Vijapur / Mansa ST Bus Stand Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 09:00 am, 10:00 am arriving Gandhinagar Central CBS: 10:10, 11:15 am)

4. Baroda / Talaja Central Bus Stand – Mansa / Ambaji Bus ST Stand Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central: 11:15 am, 13:00 pm arriving Gandhinagar Bus Stand: 12:30 pm, 14:15 pm)

5. Jamnagar ST Bus Stand – Ambaji GSRTC Bus Stand Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure Time: 14:45 pm arriving Gandhinagar Central: 16:00 pm)

Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Mini Bus Service

There are lots of mini buses currently run by GSRTC in order to server more passengers on this route and avaoid rush during peak times. These buses are:

1. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar – Gandhinagar ST Depot Mini Bus (Ahmedabad Satellite Departure Time: 09:00 AM and arrival Gandhinagar CBS: 10:15 AM)

2. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar – Mehsana ST Depot Mini Bus (Ahmedabad Satellite Departure Time: 10:00 AM and arrival Gandhinagar CBS: 11:30 AM)

3. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar – Patan ST Depot Mini Bus (Ahmedabad Satellite Departure Time: 15:00 PM and arrival Gandhinagar CBS: 16:15 PM)

4. Anand ST Bus Stand – Gandhinagar ST Depot Mini Bus (Ahmedabad Satellite Departure Time: 17:00 PM and arrival Gandhinagar CBS: 18:30 PM)

5. Nadiad ST Bus Stand – Gandhinagar ST Depot Mini Bus (Ahmedabad Satellite Departure Time: 18:00 PM and arrival Gandhinagar CBS: 19:30 PM)